Robert Feather, designer de jóias de Yorshire, Reino Unido, usa diferentes materiais em seus trabalhos, como platina, ouro, prata, diamantes e pedras preciosas. Gosto da forma como ele combina os diferentes metais com belas cores e texturas.
Robert Feather recebeu o selo da Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths e foi convidado para participar do Who's Who in Gold and Silver (Quem é Quem em Ouro e Prata), um diretório dos mais prestigiados ourives, joalheiros e artistas do Reino Unido.

Yorkshire jeweller Robert Feather uses different materials in his work such as platinum, gold, silver, diamonds and colored stones. I love the way how he combines the different metals in such beautiful colors and textures in his pieces. Robert Feather has received the seal of approval from the Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths and has been invited to join Who's Who in Gold and Silver, the Company's prestigious directory of the leading jewellers, silversmiths and art medallists working in the UK.
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